
Showing posts from August, 2011

Baby Update and Photo Shoot

I had the opportunity to get my pictures taken by a very talented young lady in our apartment building shes so great check out her website here are a few pictures from our photo shoot. This is my favorite one I love it ~PREGNANCY & BABY UPDATE~ I am 38 weeks now and everything seems to be going very smoothly! I haven't experience any contractions yet, just alot of movement from baby Weston. This past Monday my Dr. ordered a Sonogram because she thinks that I am growing a large baby. 8) Hopefully hes not a 10 pounder, but if he is we'll love him just the same ;) So tomorrow we are headed to the Dr and we get to see the little guy. I will make sure to add new sonogram pics as soon as I can! Currently I am still working my last day is next Friday I will be starting my 39th week of being pregnant OMGosh I'm already huge as it is hopefully we get to meet Baby Wes soon this is all very exciting can wait to share ...